Our Experts

  • Heather Strauch, MS PT

    A Different Approach
    Physical Therapy | Health & Wellness

    Be love,

    Offer the light inside your heart and the comfort behind your smile.  Listen with empathy before judgement and let compassion rise above ego.  Share passion and knowledge, gratitude and appreciation.  Encourage others to be authentic and inspire change, regardless of its magnitude.   Help others to grow and grow with them.

    Be love.

    ~ Emina Gaspar - Vrana

    A Letter For My Patients

    As far back as I can remember, I was always fascinated by the human body and how it works. I also knew that I wanted a career in healthcare so I could help people. My mother was a nurse; I was an athlete and dancer, and I absolutely loved my high school anatomy class. I decided to go into physical therapy rather than other areas of medicine because I felt it would allow me to treat a wider array of conditions and spend more time with my patients.

    I was also concerned that women were (and still are) the largest consumers of healthcare, and yet there are very few practitioners that specialize in women's bodies. I learned this first-hand through my own personal struggle with pelvic pain. Everything I read stated that there was no cure; I could not accept this. On my journey to find a solution, I found a group of medical professionals—an MD, a nurse practitioner and a physical therapist—all of whom were instrumental in my healing.

    As a result of what I have learned through this experience, the human body has become my passion. Nothing is more rewarding to me than working in a profession where I can help people change their bodies in ways that allow them to enjoy a more satisfying, fulfilling and pain-free life. As the founder of A Different Approach Physical Therapy | Health & Wellness, I am honored to be a part of women's recovery and wellbeing.

    ~Heather Strauch, MS PT 


    In 2006, Heather Strauch, MS, PT founded A Different Approach Physical Therapy - for Women, LLC (ADAPT) with the belief that women should be treated by professionals that understand their unique needs. Specializing in pelvic floor dysfunction, Ms. Strauch strives to make women feel comfortable and relaxed by providing care in an environment that is peaceful and friendly. Women’s bodies undergo various physiological changes throughout their lives that ultimately affect their whole person. As such, Ms. Strauch is highly sought after since she takes a whole-body and holistic approach to care. As pain in a specific part of the body may be a result of dysfunction in another area, and because nutrition and the immune system are directly related to chronic pain and other dysfunction, Ms. Strauch also became a Certified Holistic Health Counselor to better serve her clients' needs. In addition to holding a Master of Science in Physical Therapy, Ms. Strauch has completed cutting-edge coursework in pelvic visceral mobilization, nutritional epigenetics, lymphatic drainage utilizing the Vodder technique and others.

    Education and Clinical Experience

    In 2000, with concentrated studies in physical therapy, Ms. Strauch obtained her Bachelor of Science in Psychology with magna cum laude honors from Widener University. Her other honors include Dean's List, Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society, Phi Eta Sigma National Freshman Honor Society, Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society, Middle Atlantic Conference Athletic Academic Honor Roll and the Widener University Presidential Scholarship.

    Ms. Strauch is also a summa cum laude graduate of Thomas Jefferson University, where she obtained both her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy in 2002 and her Master of Science in Physical Therapy in 2003. Throughout her studies, Ms. Strauch was recognized for her outstanding achievements by being named to the Dean's List every year. She was a recipient of the Foerderer Grant for International Study - a grant designed to allow for ongoing research and new areas of study.  In May of 2003, she was also the recipient of a Service Award for her service to underprivileged individuals in need of physical therapy.

  • Tricia Keane, BS PTA CYT

    Physical Therapy | Yoga
    A Different Approach
    Physical Therapy | Health & Wellness

    What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.

    ~ Jane Goodall

    A Letter For My Patients

    Idecided to pursue a career in physical therapy after being involved in a serious car accident. An excellent physical therapist helped to heal my neck and resolve the significant pain I was experiencing. I knew then that I wanted to be in a profession where I could be a person who facilitates healing for others. A career in this field also felt like a natural evolution of my many years teaching and practicing yoga through which working with students and guiding them past their physical issues and concerns ignited my passion for human anatomy.

    Well prior to my accident, for years I suffered with pelvic pain and like many patients I have since worked with, I didn’t realize there were treatments for my condition.

    Sometimes life has a way of guiding you to your answers when you least expect it, which is exactly what happened when I had the opportunity to take some elective pelvic floor physical therapy coursework. In researching who I would choose as a therapist to guide me on my healing journey, I discovered Heather Strauch who openly described on her website her own struggles with pelvic pain. Her words conveyed a sincere intention to help her patients recover and with her superior credentials and experience, the clear choice was ADAPT. This decision was a life changing moment for me.

    Having enjoyed working and learning in other settings such as nursing homes, hospitals and outpatient clinics, I sought employment at ADAPT because of Heather and the quality of care she offers. Practicing in women’s health provides the unique opportunity to help and connect with patients who are suffering from very personal and intimate issues. I recall tearful moments as a patient of ADAPT, after leaving Heather’s office with a hope I never thought possible.

    Heather led me to recovery and it changed my life. There is nothing more gratifying than providing that to others.

    ~Tricia Keane, BS PTA CYT

  • Jill Notis Filatov 

    A Different Approach
    Physical Therapy | Health & Wellness

    Change happens through movement and movement heals.

    ~ Joseph Pilates


    Jill began practicing Pilates in 1999 at a studio in her hometown of Albany, NY. She was fortunate enough to practice under two instructors who studied directly under Romana Kryzanowska. Romana was a former student of Joseph Pilates. After Joseph passed away in 1967, she became the director of his studio which at the time was named “The Pilates Studio”.

    For Jill, Pilates was the first workout that made her feel better and more energized when the session was complete - exercise was no longer a “chore”. After practicing as a client for a few years, she endeavored to further understand Joseph Pilates’ Contrology Method and became certified by Power Pilates in 2004. The ‘Contrology Method’ as Joseph Pilates called it is an exercise system of body conditioning the uses controlled and systematic movements coupled with focused breathing patterns engaging your body, mind and spirit. Jill is fully certified in this method to teach both mat (beginner through advanced) and apparatus, including the reformer, cadillac, tower, chair and barrel.

    Jill has a compassionate teaching style and has taught a variety of clientele over the years with different body types and physical capabilities including; men, women, adolescents, and the elderly. She continues enhancing her skills through workshops and continuing education as a part of her active certification and passion for the art of Pilates. 

    Jill joined the ADAPT team in 2015 as a certified Pilates instructor where she specializes in rehabilitative Pilates for pregnancy, pre- and postpartum wellness and pelvic pain conditions, as well as osteoporosis and spinal issues such as bulging discs and arthritis.

Here's What Our Patients Have to Say

  • Tricia, you are a life-saver! The work we have done has made me feel so much better. Thank you so, so much!
  • After 6 months of pain and numbness, 3 doctors, and 2 MRI’s, I found a specialist in NYC who diagnosed me with pudendal neuralgia. He quickly referred me to Heather’s practice. Immediately my healing process began as Heather has seen and treated this rare condition before. She walked me through every step of the treatment. She not only treats the various impacted muscles and issues, but I was particularly impressed with her comprehensive holistic analysis of nutrition in addition to the physical component. She makes you feel comfortable throughout and I highly recommend her and the practice.
  • I want to thank you SO much for your help - I feel like I can walk almost normally again and I'm finally getting some sleep! You are a lifesaver! Now I can enjoy my pregnancy pain free!
  • I’ve been meaning to write you a handwritten thank you note but I can’t seem to get to it so I figured an email was better than letting my gratitude go unexpressed! I can’t thank you enough for relieving me of all my recent plugs, especially when you came in over Labor Day to see me! I so appreciate it and you saved me! Knock on wood, no issues since and hopefully no more! But if they return, I know where to go. Thank you so much!!!
  • I'm doing so much better! A couple of days ago I finally could imagine feeling normal again and today I found myself forgetting that I had something wrong. I'm not quite there yet but I am so close! I am so relieved to be working with you on this journey! Thank you so so much for all of your help, support and availability!
  • I finally had my baby! She was 9 days late, but luckily I avoided being induced and did go into labor on my own. The labor went really well - it was a totally different experience than the first time. I didn’t tear at all, which was amazing! Thanks again helping me recover from my first birth and preparing for my second! It made a huge difference in my delivery and helping me not to tear. I’m very proud of my body for having such a great delivery after the difficult last one.
  • I wanted to drop you a quick note thanking you for changing my life! A year ago I was a cranky 35 year old trapped in an achy 85 year old body. My hip and entire right side hurt when I ran, swam, yoga’d, shoveled, raked, went sledding, etc. In fact I hurt after pretty much ALL physical activity; even nights were horrible as my psoas spasms were so disruptive to my sleep. Thanks to our sessions and your expertise, I’m swimming, biking, running, practicing yoga, hiking, racing and pretty much doing everything that I loved to do 7 years ago before my hip/psoas problem started. I tried many doctors, physical therapist, massage therapists, chiropractors along the way; my only misstep was not coming to you sooner when my friends initially recommended you!
  • I wanted to check in with you and let you know how GREAT I am doing!! Changing my diet, lots of water, returning to regular exercise, plenty of sleep and the results are me fitting back into my size 6 jeans again!! I feel like a completely different woman. I had to go to Long Island this weekend for a Christening in my family and everyone, I mean EVERYONE told me how different I looked and how GREAT I looked! It really made my heart sing. The combination of working with you and a naturopath is just a perfect fit for me. I turn 55 on Monday and I feel like I am 40 again! Thanks again for helping me achieve wellness once again in my life!!
  • I have really recovered a lot over the past few weeks! First, I want to tell you how grateful I am for your help and support during this difficult time. Your coaching on how to manage my bowels was invaluable. I wouldn’t have managed without. I also appreciated your moral support and great listening ear. You have a wonderful can-do attitude that always looks for another solution and doesn’t take 'not possible' as an answer.
  • Heather is amazing and helped me so fast. I highly recommend a few sessions to EVERY woman who has had a baby. Life changing!
  • I just wanted to say thank you so much for “fixing” me! I can’t say enough about how much you’ve helped me and of course, my marriage!
  • I came to see Heather a couple years after sustaining a groin, back, and leg injury that left me with severely limited mobility. She was optimistic she could help and after only a few visits I began experiencing tremendous improvement. Her expertise, knowledge, and skillful intuitive touch have produced amazing results. Thank you for keeping me moving!
  • I was very nervous about developing lymphedema and I have no doubt that Heather’s training and expert knowledge of lymphatic massage prevented it. In addition, Heather also worked on my postural alignment issues, which relieved the back and shoulder problems I developed during my year-long cancer treatment cycle. I am forever grateful to Heather and highly recommend her!