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At ADAPT, our objective is not only to facilitate your recovery but also to cultivate greater peace and joy in your life.  As you'd expect, our customized home programs employ strengthening muscles requiring activation and lengthening those hindering function or causing discomfort. However, this constitutes merely a fraction of our approach.

Hydration, nutrition, sleep hygiene, movement, stress management, as well as attention to breathing, posture, bladder, and bowel habits are all vital components of pelvic floor treatment. Does this comprehensive list evoke the dreaded term "self-care"?

Let's redefine what self-care entails; it should not be perceived as an additional task. In reality, most of your existing routines simply require minor adjustments to seamlessly integrate into your self-care regimen.

Thus, self-care embodies a mindset that fosters an inner dialogue asking, "What can I do in this moment to prioritize my well-being?" You are already making countless decisions throughout the day, from what to eat to when to retire for the night. Simply pause and consider how best to align these actions with your body's needs or how to infuse each activity with a focus on self-care. The aim is not to burden yourself with more tasks; rather, it is to nurture your body and be mindful of the actions you are already undertaking.

Here's a compilation of brief, in-the-moment actions that cumulatively contribute to a day of excellent self-care:

  • Keep your water bottle filled and sip regularly.
  • Adjust your sitting posture—simply shifting from one side of your pelvis to the other counts!
  • Take a brisk walk around the block.
  • Walk purposefully with good posture.
  • Focus on an object 300 yards away for two breaths to stretch your eye muscles.
  • Create a simple homemade salad dressing.
  • Place one hand on your heart and one on your lower abdomen, then after a deep inhale, exhale while affirming, “You are loved.”
  • Ensure to chew each bite of your meal at least 20 times until it is very soft—remember, digestion begins in the mouth!
  • Instead of dreading tidying up toys, shoes, or other items misplaced in your home, view it as an opportunity to practice an AMAZING squat and activate your glutes!

This list of suggestions is by no means exhaustive! What other minor actions or adjustments can you implement to enhance your self-care routine?

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