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I wrote an article over 16 years ago about the “taboo” topic of bladder habits and my friends I think it may still be taboo, so I am here once again to dispel some myths and bring on some truths about all the ways our bladder tries to rule over us.  So go fill up your water bottles, start sipping and let's learn some bladder truths.

How to Hydrate

Water is the only liquid our bodies need to function properly: there I said it!  They don’t need coffee, juice, soda, energy drinks etc.  Staying properly hydrated is crucial for your overall health, including bladder function.  Now just because you drink water doesn’t mean your cells are hydrated; that comes down to mineral balance and cellular permeability; which are topics that would take me on a tangent, and you know how I like those…but we will leave that to another article.  Aim to drink ½ of your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water per day.  So, a 160# person should drink 80 ounces of water per day.  This should be sipped throughout the day and not guzzled around mealtimes.   Try “front loading” your body with water by drinking the majority of your water before dinner time and getting a good start focusing on hydration first thing in the morning.

What To Do When the Urge Strikes:

Consider how long it has been since the last time you emptied your bladder.  If your bladder is giving you the signal to void too often, there are a few possible reasons.  Either you are drinking too much water all at once, or you are consuming something that is irritating your bladder lining (some medications and supplements can do this), or you have excited your bladder via your nervous system.  You may have even done all three!  With all those possibilities there is also most likely pelvic floor dysfunction involved.  The goal is to empty your bladder on definite sensations to void every 3 to 4 hours.  It’s possible I promise, no matter how long it’s been there is still hope!

Take Your Time

When the time comes that you have a definite sensation to void, walk don’t run with all the confidence you can muster up and then know that you have reached your destination and whatever is going on in your mind or in your environment can wait the approximately 20 seconds that it takes to empty your bladder.  You see your pelvic floor muscles, specifically your urethral sphincter needs to relax to allow you to empty properly and if you are hovering over the toilet already onto the next thing you will not complete the task at hand and then you will wonder why your bladder is calling you back to the bathroom so quickly.  Can you see where I am going with this and why I promise that you will gain precious minutes back in your life if you promise, for the sake of your bladder, to do one task and only one task at a time! 

Sorry Kegel but It’s NOT All About You

Yes, kegel exercises do have a place in helping your bladder out but bladder health comes down to habits and those habits also include how we move through life on a daily basis.  In fact, sometimes our bladder is causing us grief because our pelvic floor muscles are too tight.  I mean how many of you have been leaking or having urgency and have tried kegel exercises only to find out that they didn’t work?  In that case one of two things are happening, either you aren’t doing them correctly or you don’t need to do them yet.  In either case, seeking professional guidance can make all the difference.  Did I mention that here at ADAPT we can help you figure out all those nuanced details?

When it comes to bladder health there are no secrets and no reason to hide from the truths, we are here to help!  Knowledge is power and you deserve a bladder that works for you, not the other way around. 

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